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Accueil - Universite - Enseignants Chercheurs - M. Fathi FAKHFAKH


Enseignant – chercheur
Portrait de Fathi Fakhfakh
Maître de conférences en Sciences économiques
Portrait de Fathi Fakhfakh
Matière(s) enseignée(s) :

Statistiques, Applied Data Mining, The Econometrics of Limited Dependant & Qualitative Variables, Statistique et Enquête

Thèmes de recherche :

Econométrie Appliquée, Economie de la Participation, Performance des entreprises, Innovation, Actionnariat salarié

Coordonnées :

Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
12 place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris cedex 05

Activités / CV

Docteur es Sciences Economiques, HDR


  • ”Employee-Owned Firms in France » (with Nathalie Magne, Thibault Mirabel & Virginie Pérotin), Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership, July 2023, 6(2):101-127.
  • “Financial Participation and collective conflict. Evidence from French firms”, (with A. Robinson & A. Tal), Industrial Relations, 2019, December, pp 674-703
  • ”Is profit sharing good for the Environment? Evidence from French Firms” (with F. FitRoy), Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership, 2018, Vol. 1 Issue: 2/3, pp.128-143.
  • “Exploring the private pension gender gap in later working life: Evidence from ELSA.” (with Jean Gardiner & Andrew Robinson), Work, Employment and Society, 2016, Vol. 30(4) 687–707.
  • “The Fateful Triangle. Complementarities in performance between product, process and organizational innovation in France and the UK”, (with Gérard Ballot, Fabrice Galia & Ammon Salter), Research Policy, 44, 1, 217–232, February 2015.
  • “Productivity, Capital and Labor in Labor-Managed and Conventional Firms: an investigation French Data”, (with M. Gago & V. Pérotin), Industrial & Labour Relations Review, 65, 4, 847-79, 2012.
  • “Who benefits from training and R&D, the firm or the workers?” (avec G. Ballot & E. Taymaz), The British Journal of Industrial Relation (B), septembre 2006, Vol 44, 3, pp473-96.
  • “Dynamic Monopsony : evidence from a French establishment panel” (avec F. FitzRoy), Economica (A), Vol 73, august, 2006, pp533-46.
  • Workplace Change and Productivity: Does Employee Voice Make a Difference? (avec V. Pérotin et A. Robinson), dans « Negociating decent work », sous la direction de Susan Hayter, Palgrave et McMillan, 2011.

Informations complémentaires

Responsabilités administrative/pédagogiques à l'Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

  • Responsable des programmes d’échange ERASMUS
  • Membre du conseil de la recherche